We are waiting and waiting and waiting …….. ;-)

Hello everyone,

As you all might know our cats got there new “apartments” on the wall. We also had to promise that they get a “boulevard” to walk around (at 2.10 meters). Unfortunately we had to order all kind of parts to build it. As the big scratch poles to build the cats boulevard are not ready yet (we still have to wait a week) the cats will have to be patient.

Savanna did not want to wait though and already started walking around 😉

Vaskebjorns Savanna Dry

Vaskebjorns Savanna Dry

Vaskebjorns Savanna Dry

Vaskebjorns Savanna Dry

New superduper cat wall

Hello everyone,

There was a lot of activity in our shed and in our home the last week. A lot of drilling, sawing and hammering.

Our cats were a little disturbed by this, but it was all for there own benefit.

You can see the result in the below pictures 😉

Vaskebjorn Cat wall

Vaskebjorn Cat wall

Vaskebjorn cat wall

Vaskebjorn cat wall

I saw something like this on the internet, but could not contact the producer 😉 Therefore we decided to build it ourselves